Iris Wolff



Iris Wolff, b. 1977 in Transylvania, is a German writer. She worked for many years at the Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach. Her most recent book: So tun, als ob es regnet, 2017.

“This novel is a wonderful story about the curiously tense relationship between home and freedom, which is particularly familiar to those who travel far on their personal maps.”
Paulus Hochgatterer, laudatio speech for the Literaturpreis Alpha 2018

Iris Wolff, b. 1977 in Transylvania, is a German writer. She worked for many years at the Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach. Her most recent book: So tun, als ob es regnet, 2017.
“This novel is a wonderful story about the curiously tense relationship between home and freedom, which is particularly familiar to those who travel far on their personal maps.”
Paulus Hochgatterer, laudatio speech for the Literaturpreis Alpha 2018

Participant of the European Literature Days 2019.

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