Gábor Csordás



Gábor Csordás was born the 6th August 1950 in Pécs, Hungary. Poet, essayist, publisher and translator of Polish, Serbian, Croatian, French, Germa and, English literature. In 1974 Attained Medical Doctor degree at the Medical School of Pécs University, and worked there as research fellow and then assistant professor until 1980. Between 1980-1992 worked as editor and then editor-in-chief of the literary journal Jelenkor, Pécs. In 1993 Founded Jelenkor Publishers Ltd, Pécs, owned and directed it until 2015. Between 2004-2008 worked as program director of two-year postgraduate courses of edition and publishing at the Faculty of Communication of the University of Pécs. He was awarded by Wessely László Award for Translators, Déry Tibor Literary Award, Gold Medal of the President of the Hungarian Republic, Leipziger Anerkennungspreis zur Europäischen Verständigung, Solidarność Memorial Medal, Attila József Literary Award, Tanslator's Prize of the Serbian Pen Club.

Participant of the European Literature Days 2016.

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